РЕКОМЕНДУЕМ читать вслух английские варианты 1-3 раза:
1. Грамматический стиль, т.е. без глагольных сокращений:
Примечание:| - Вертикальная красная черта указывает на границы синтагм, внутри которых не следует делать паузы.
You are certainly right, | little Susie ['su:zi], | whatever others may (possibly) say. Please, | do not get offended | at wicked persons. The best way to deal with them | is to stay
away from them. - sl. Okay, aunt, | I will always stay calm and prudent | whatever occurs. I promise. Whatever angry people say
henceforward to me, | I will just ignore all of them | and walk away.
злые люди
   malicious [me'liшes] persons
= malevolent [me'lev(e)lent] folks
= wicked ['wikid] people
= evil ['i:v(e)l] people
= angry people, persons or folks
злиться; обижаться на кого/что-либо
   to be/get angry with sb/sth
= to be/get offended at sb/sth
= to be/get offended by sb/sth
= to be/get miffed at sb/sth
= to be/get peeved at sb/sth
= to take offence at sb/sth
= to go/get sour on sb/sth
= to have/hold a grudge against sb/sth
You're definitely right, little Susie, whatever other people might say. Don't hold grudge against malevolent people, please. The best way dealing with them is (to)
keep away from them. - sl. All right, auntie, I'll always remain composed and judicious whatever happens. I do promise.
Whatever evil people say henceforth to me, I'll just take no notice of them all and go away.
впредь, с этого времени
   henceforward [hens'fo:wed] = henceforth [hens'fo:C] = thenceforward [Зens'fo:wed] = thenceforth [Зens'fo:C] = from now forward
держаться подальше от кого-либо
   to stay away from sb
= to keep away from sb
= to stay well clear of sb
= to keep out of someone's way
= to stay out of sb
3. Разговорный английский со сленговыми словами и выражениями и "зрительным" диалектом плюс синонимы:
You're surely right, little Susie, whatever others may say. Please, sl. don't go sour on angry folks. The best way as you
deal with sl.* 'em is keep sl.* outta their way. - sl. Alright, auntie, I'll always be sl. cool
and sl. cannie whatever goes on. Promise. Whatever evil people say thenceforth to me, I'll just sl.double shuffle
sl.* 'em all and go my (own) way.
случаться, происходить (с кем-либо)
   to occur (to sb)
= to happen (to sb)
= to take place
= to go on
= to befall sb    о трагических событиях
игнорировать; не обращать внимания на кого-либо
   to ignore sb
= to take no notice of sb
= to pay no mind to sb
= sl. to give sb a time of day
= sl. to give sb the go-by
= sl. to double shuffle sb
Редкий неправильный глагол:
to befall (befell, befallen) sb случаться; происходить; приключаться с кем-либо; выпадать кому-либо на долю
ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ СЛЕДУЮЩЕЕ устно вслух на английский язык и затем щёлкните на слайд для проверки.
SECTION ONE (1) Numbers 1 through 20
Будущие (реальные) условные предложения (действия, процессы, результаты и результаты + процессы): If I do, I will do / If I'm doing, I will be doing /
If I have do, I will have done / If I have been doing, I will have been doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: can, may, might, shall, should, must
SECTION TWO (2) Numbers 21 through 40
Прямая и косвенная речь: He said, "I do that." / He said that he did that. / "May I come in." / I asked if I might come in. + все возможные модальные и
полумодальные глаголы: can-could, may-might, shall-should = ought to, must, need, dare
SECTION THREE (3) Numbers 41 through 60
Предшествие в прошедших временах: He said that he had done that (long) before. / He said that he had been doing that the day before. + все возможные модальные
SECTION FOUR (4) Numbers 61 through 80
Речевые модели/конструкции "I wish I did / I wish I were doing / I wish I had done / I wish I had been doing" как реальные, так и нереальные действия и процессы:
SECTION FIVE (5) Numbers 81 through 100
Реальные сослагательные условные предложения как действия: If I did, I would do + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, might, should, ought to
SECTION SIX (6) Numbers 101 through 120
Реальные сослагательные условные предложения как процессы: If I were doing, I would be doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
SECTION SEVEN (7) Numbers 121 through 140
Нереальные сослагательные условные предложения как действия: If I had done, I would have done + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
SECTION EIGHT (8) Numbers 141 through 160
Нереальные сослагательные условные предложения как процессы: If I had been doing, I would have been doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
SECTION NINE (9) Numbers 161 through 200
Смешанные сослагательные условные предложения как действия, так и процессы: If I were doing, I would do / If I did, I would be doing / If I had been doing,
I would have done / If I had done, I would have been doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
fml - formal официальн. стиль
sl. - разговорный сленг
sl.* - "зрительный" диалект
sl.* - запретный сленг, табу
Am. - амер. английский стиль
Br. - брит. английский стиль ['iNgliш] - произношение слова Транскрипция авторская