РЕКОМЕНДУЕМ читать вслух английские варианты 1-3 раза:
1. Грамматический стиль, т.е. без глагольных сокращений:
The city of New York is very big and has around nine million inhabitants and every nationality is represented in the street (just) like at the United Nations.
In fact, if you go around the city passing through Chinatown, Greenwich Village or Little Italy..., you will have the impression of having gone around the world.
On a related note, do you know why they call New York the Big Apple? - Yes, I do. (Just) Because it looks like a big apple from a bird's perspective [pe'spektiv].
с высоты птичьего полета
   from a bird's perspective
= from a bird's eye view
= with a bird's eye view
Между прочим,...
   By the way,...
= Just for the record,...
= On a related note,...
The New York City (= The NYC) is rather enormous and has approximately 9 million people and every nationality can be found in the street like at the UN.
As a matter of fact, if you walk (a)round the city going through Chinatown, Greenwich Village or Little Italy..., you'll get the impression as though you're roaming ['reumiN] across the globe.
Just for the record, d'you know why New York is called the Big Apple? - sl.* Yeah, I do. (Simply) Because it resembles a big apple from a bird's eye view.
Почему город называют...?
   Why do they call the city...?
= Why is the city called...?
путешествовать, скитаться по миру
   to go around the world
= to travel across the planet
= to roam up and down the globe
= to wander throughout the world
примерно 9 миллионов людей, населения
   around 9 million people
= about nine million inhabitants
= approximately [e'proksimitli] 9 million citizens
3. Разговорный английский со сленговыми словами и выражениями и "зрительным" диалектом плюс синонимы:
New York's sl. pretty huge. There are (right) about 9 million citizens and every nationality can be seen in the street like at the UN.
Actually, if you travel round the city passing through Chinatown, Greenwich Village or Little Italy..., you'll get the impression as if you're wandering ['wonderiN] throughout the planet.
By the way, sl.* d'ya know why New York's called the Big Apple? - sl.* Yeah. sl.* Coz it's like a big apple with a bird's eye view.
фактически, на самом деле
   as a matter of fact
= in fact
= in effect
= actually
передвигаться по городу
   to go (a)round a city
= to travel round a city
= to move round a city
ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ СЛЕДУЮЩЕЕ устно вслух на английский язык и затем щёлкните на слайд для проверки.
SECTION ONE (1) Numbers 1 through 20
Будущие (реальные) условные предложения (действия, процессы, результаты и результаты + процессы): If I do, I will do / If I'm doing, I will be doing /
If I have do, I will have done / If I have been doing, I will have been doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: can, may, might, shall, should, must
SECTION TWO (2) Numbers 21 through 40
Прямая и косвенная речь: He said, "I do that." / He said that he did that. / "May I come in." / I asked if I might come in. + все возможные модальные и
полумодальные глаголы: can-could, may-might, shall-should = ought to, must, need, dare
SECTION THREE (3) Numbers 41 through 60
Предшествие в прошедших временах: He said that he had done that (long) before. / He said that he had been doing that the day before. + все возможные модальные
SECTION FOUR (4) Numbers 61 through 80
Речевые модели/конструкции "I wish I did / I wish I were doing / I wish I had done / I wish I had been doing" как реальные, так и нереальные действия и процессы:
SECTION FIVE (5) Numbers 81 through 100
Реальные сослагательные условные предложения как действия: If I did, I would do + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, might, should, ought to
SECTION SIX (6) Numbers 101 through 120
Реальные сослагательные условные предложения как процессы: If I were doing, I would be doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
SECTION SEVEN (7) Numbers 121 through 140
Нереальные сослагательные условные предложения как действия: If I had done, I would have done + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
SECTION EIGHT (8) Numbers 141 through 160
Нереальные сослагательные условные предложения как процессы: If I had been doing, I would have been doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
SECTION NINE (9) Numbers 161 through 200
Смешанные сослагательные условные предложения как действия, так и процессы: If I were doing, I would do / If I did, I would be doing / If I had been doing,
I would have done / If I had done, I would have been doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
fml - formal официальн. стиль
sl. - разговорный сленг
sl.* - "зрительный" диалект
sl.* - запретный сленг, табу
Am. - амер. английский стиль
Br. - брит. английский стиль ['iNgliш] - произношение слова Транскрипция авторская