РЕКОМЕНДУЕМ читать вслух английские варианты 1-3 раза:
1. Грамматический стиль, т.е. без глагольных сокращений:
Unless you work still harder, you will just fail. I mean you will never learn proper spoken English if you do not expend all your efforts. But the most important
thing is having the best spoken English course that does teach that correct English. Good luck (to you) finding the best ever course! Once you have it, your
success in English will be one hundred percent guaranteed.
unless = if not - если не
but for - если бы не
Если бы не подобные примеры, мне все еще было бы трудно понимать тонкости/нюансы английского языка.
But for suchlike examples, it would be still hard for me to understand niceties (= subtleties) in English.
приложить все возможные усилия
   to do all one can
= to exert all one's powers
= to do all in one's power
= to expend all one's efforts
= to apply all one's efforts
Но самое главное - это...
   But most importantly is...
= But above all else is...
= But the most important thing is...
If you don't work even harder, you'll just fail. I mean you'll never ever learn correct spoken English unless you do all you can. But most importantly
is acquiring the best spoken English course that's intended for teaching you that proper English. I wish you good luck getting the best course (ever)!
As soon as you obtain it (= The moment you have obtained it), your success in English will be 100% guaranteed.
приобрести, купить лучший курс
   to acquire the best course
= to buy the best course
= to get the best course
= to obtain the best course
= to purchase the best course
как только
   as soon as
= the moment
= the instant
= once
3. Разговорный английский со сленговыми словами и выражениями и "зрительным" диалектом плюс синонимы:
You'll just be a loser if you sl.* ain't work a lot harder. I mean you'll never learn
correct spoken English unless you apply all your efforts. But above all else is
buying the best spoken English course (that's) meant to teach you that proper English. Wish you every luck getting the best course! The instant you
sl.* got it, your success in English is 100% guaranteed.
Как только у тебя это будет...
   The instant you have it...
= The moment you've got it...
= The moment you possess it...
= Once you sl.* got it...
= As soon as you own it...
иметь, владеть чем-либо
   to have sth
= to own sth
= to possess sth
ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ СЛЕДУЮЩЕЕ устно вслух на английский язык и затем щёлкните на слайд для проверки.
SECTION ONE (1) Numbers 1 through 20
Будущие (реальные) условные предложения (действия, процессы, результаты и результаты + процессы): If I do, I will do / If I'm doing, I will be doing /
If I have do, I will have done / If I have been doing, I will have been doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: can, may, might, shall, should, must
SECTION TWO (2) Numbers 21 through 40
Прямая и косвенная речь: He said, "I do that." / He said that he did that. / "May I come in." / I asked if I might come in. + все возможные модальные и
полумодальные глаголы: can-could, may-might, shall-should = ought to, must, need, dare
SECTION THREE (3) Numbers 41 through 60
Предшествие в прошедших временах: He said that he had done that (long) before. / He said that he had been doing that the day before. + все возможные модальные
SECTION FOUR (4) Numbers 61 through 80
Речевые модели/конструкции "I wish I did / I wish I were doing / I wish I had done / I wish I had been doing" как реальные, так и нереальные действия и процессы:
SECTION FIVE (5) Numbers 81 through 100
Реальные сослагательные условные предложения как действия: If I did, I would do + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, might, should, ought to
SECTION SIX (6) Numbers 101 through 120
Реальные сослагательные условные предложения как процессы: If I were doing, I would be doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
SECTION SEVEN (7) Numbers 121 through 140
Нереальные сослагательные условные предложения как действия: If I had done, I would have done + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
SECTION EIGHT (8) Numbers 141 through 160
Нереальные сослагательные условные предложения как процессы: If I had been doing, I would have been doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
SECTION NINE (9) Numbers 161 through 200
Смешанные сослагательные условные предложения как действия, так и процессы: If I were doing, I would do / If I did, I would be doing / If I had been doing,
I would have done / If I had done, I would have been doing + все возможные модальные глаголы: could, may, might, should, ought to
fml - formal официальн. стиль
sl. - разговорный сленг
sl.* - "зрительный" диалект
sl.* - запретный сленг, табу
Am. - амер. английский стиль
Br. - брит. английский стиль ['iNgliш] - произношение слова Транскрипция авторская