Супер тесты Александра Газинского
Alice Bondarenko Алиса Бондаренко

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Alice is 4 y.o.
Алисе 4 года

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OCTOBER 28, 2019


Today Alice turned 4 years old sharp.
Сегодня Алисе исполнилось ровно 4 года.

Alice is exactly 4 years old in this video.

В этом видео Алисе ровно 4 года.

Alice is 4 years and 2 months old in this video. Unfortunately, the baby is being slightly ill for the moment and she has to take some pills to get recovered as soon as possible. Nevertheless, Alice prefers more brown bitter chocolate to the necessary chemicals. She knows what's good for her! All little kids are alike in this respect; they all have a sweet tooth. At the end of the film, the girlie reads the tongue-twister: "Betty Botter bought some butter, but the butter was so bitter that she couldn't eat the butter..."

В этом видео Алисе 4 года и 2 месяца. К сожалению в данный момент ребенок болен и ей нужно принимать таблетки для скорейшего выздоровления. Тем не менее, Алиса хочет больше темного горького шоколада вместо необходимого лекарства. У неё губа не дура! В этом плане все детишки одинаковы; они все сладкоешки. В конце фильма девочка читает скороговорку: "Бэтти Боттер купила немного (сливочного) масла, но масло было таким горьким, что она не могла его есть..."

Happy 2020 New Year!
С Новым 2020 годом!

Happy 2020 New Year

Alice is 4 years and 3 months old in this video.

В этом видео Алисе 4 года и 3 месяца.

Alice is 4 years and 4 months old in this video.

В этом видео Алисе 4 года и 4 месяца.

Alice is 4 years and 5 months old in this video.

В этом видео Алисе 4 года и 5 месяцев.

ALICE: When she (Miss Flora) came over, she wanted to make a palace and she tried hard, and she did it. She needed to cut out a circle and she said, "Where are my scissors that the ghost liked to take away that I had in my room?" And then Miss Flora didn't even know where the ghost took her scissors. She could never find the scissors anywhere. She didn't even get them back.

ALICE'S MUM (OLGA): Yes, she did. Here are the scissors.

ALICE: No, I meant the scissors that she had - the small ones.

OLGA: I see.

ALICE: The wand needs to be here.

OLGA: Okay, how about finishing the castle? Do you want a flat rooftop or do you want it pointy?

ALICE: A pointy rooftop, please! Miss Flora knows more about pointy rooftops. She has three of them there. But she has a lot more of them somewhere else. She doesn't know where they are!

Happy Easter!
Поздравляем с Пасхой!

2020 Happy Easter

Alice is 4 years and 8 months old in the 3 previous videos.

В 3-х предыдущих видео Алисе 4 года и 8 месяцев.

Autumn is outside

I've made a house for my toy parrot.

Autumn is outside

Autumn has set in. Too much yellow all around.

In the 2 previous pictures Alice is 4 years and 11 months old.
На 2-х предыдущих фотках Алисе 4 года и 11 месяцев.

Alice is playing with her girlfriend her age and whose name is also Alice.

Today is October 20, 2020. In exactly 8 days Alice is turning 5 years old.
Сегодня 20 октября 2020 года. Ровно через 8 дней Алисе исполняется 5 лет.

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Алисе 4 четыре года Alice is four years old Алиса Бондаренко рожденная говорить на английском и русском языках