Разговорный английский язык по скайпу

English Tenses' Lab

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with Alexander Gasinski
by WhatsApp & the site
Tel. 8 915 130 8560


DECEMBER 28, 2021


Please translate (= render) the following (stuff) into English paying much attention to the correct (= proper) usage of the English tenses.

1. Новый 2022 год ещё не наступил. Мы все с нетерпением ждём, когда московские куранты пробьют 12 часов ночи. Между прочим я уже закупил несколько бутылок шампанского, мандарины и всё необходимое для салата-оливье. Для многих русских эти 3 угощения всегда были неотъемлимой частью новогоднего стола.

2. Не успели мы (я имею в виду членов своей семьи) наполнить бокалы шампанским, как часы уже пробили 12 часов, мы все хором сказали: "С Новым годом!" и опустошили свои бокалы. Наступил Новый 2022 год, которого я очень ждал последние две недели. Очень жаль, что каждый новый год проходит так быстро. Время летит!


1. The New Year has not arrived yet
(= The New Year hasn't come yet).

We are all looking forward to
(= We're all longing for)

the Moscow Chimes to strike 12 o'clock midnight
(= the Moscow Clock to go 12 midnight).

By the way
(= As it happens),

I have already bought a few bottles of champagne
(= I've already got several bottles of cham),

some tangerines
(= several mandarines)

and everything necessary
(= and all that's needed)

for the Russian salad
(= for the Olivier salad).

With many Russians
(= For most Russians)

these 3 treats have always been part and parcel of the new-year table
(= these eats and drink have been always integral to the new-year feast).

2. No sooner had we, I mean my family members
(= Scarcely ever had we, meaning the members of my family),

filled the glasses with champagne than the clock struck 12
(= filled the glasses with cham than the clock went 12),

we all said in chorus, "Happy New Year!"
(= altogether we uttered, "Happy New Year!")

and emptied our glasses
(= and drank the stuff to the dregs).

The 2022 New Year, which I have been eagerly waiting for
(= The 2022 New Year that I've been anxiously awaiting)

in the last two weeks has set in
(= for the last fortnight has now arrived).

It is a great pity
(= It's a terrible shame)

that each new year goes by so fast
(= how fast each year slips away).

Time flies
(= Time runs fast)!


ждать с нетерпением (с/делать) чего/что-либо: to look forward to (doing) sth = to long for (doing) sth = to wait impatiently for (doing) sth

между прочим: by the way = among other things = by the by = as it happens

шампанское: champagne = sparkling wine = sl. cham = sl. laughing water

и всё необходимое: and everything necessary = and all the stuff = and all the ingredients = and all that's needed = and all that's required = and everything you need = and everything one requires

быть неотъемлимой частью чего-либо: to be integral to sth = to be part and parcel of sth

новогодний стол: a new-year table

новогоднее застолье: a new-year spread

новогодний пир, трапеза: a new-year feast

не успел кто-либо сделать что-либо, как что-то случилось (две части предложения только как действия): no sooner had sb done sth than sth happened = hardly (ever) had sb done sth than sth occured = barely (ever) had sb done sth than sth took place = scarcely (ever) had sb done sth than sth happened

сказать хором, сказать вместе: to say in chorus = to utter in chorus = to say altogether = to say in unison = to say jointly

опустошить бокалы (или) стаканы: to empty one's glasses = to down one's glasses

выпить что-либо до дна: to drain sth = to drain sth dry = to drink sth off = to drink sth to the dregs = to drain sth to the dregs

(Пей) До дна!: Bottoms up! = Down the hatch! = (Drink) To the bottom!

Время летит!: Time runs fast! = Time flies! = Time goes quickly! = Time zips along! = Time slips past!

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